It’s Eggorating Day!!!

It’s Eggorating Day!!!

It’s Eggorating Day!!!
Let’s see, we have the food coloring,, we have vinegar, we have the dipping cups, and…egg dippers.
Hmm, where are the egg dippers?
Here’s one!
No, that’s a trussing needle. How about here? Nope another trussing needle.
And another trussing needle, and another, and another, here’s an egg dipper! WooHoo! Maybe there’s another egg dipper next to it? Nope. Trussing needle.
Does Annie buy a new set of trussing needles every time she cooks a bird?
Something like this happened on Thanksgiving, except every time I looked for a trussing needle I found an egg dipper.
Did I put the egg dippers somewhere clever again?
Fifteen minutes later I scraped together four egg dippers. Perfect, we can work with that.
Okay, time to hard boil some eggs! I’ll do a dozen eggs. Three for each of us. That works.
Oh, that one cracked. So did that one. I suppose I can do two, so can Annie. Reggie, she’ll be fine doing a couple. We’ll let Lyd do four—it’s an activity for the kids anyway, it’s not like I was really really really looking forward to this.
Let’s get Eggorating kids! (no one’s finding this play on words as clever as I do)
“Is it ready now?”
“No Lyd. Not yet, it’s only been in the dye for two seconds sweetie.”
“How about now?”
(waiting for a few seconds) “Now?”
“How about you start working on your next one?”
(sighing) “Okay…”
Flash forward twenty minutes…I pull out my phone
“Okay girls! Time for me to take a (totally natural not-posed) picture of you two with your decorated eggs! Smile!” (picture snaps, I never pushed the button.) “Let’s try this again. Okay, both of you, look up here! Here! Up here! Reggie? Reggie? Look up and smile!” (snap) (huh?).
“What’s wrong hun?”
“I don’t know…it’s taking pictures on it’s own. Girls? Smile! (snap) Lyd, that’s not your real smile, (snap) is it?”
“Okay, how about we try to use your real smile?” (snap) hmm…“Smile” (snap) “Oh! I get it! Every time I say ‘smile’ (snap) it takes a picture. (to my camera phone) Stop that!!!”
“Girls? Please? Look up here, now sm…let’s see your happy faces! There.” (snap)
“Did you get a good one Babe?”
“Mathematically there has to be a decent one in there. Which means, probably not.”

Have a Happy Easter everyone!
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