Our Home Was Infested (with kids)

Our Home Was Infested (with kids)

Lyd’s friend’s Mom dropped her off from summer school the other day. When they arrived, I grabbed Reg and stepped outside to greet them. Of course, Lyd’s friend had to walk Lyd up to the door….along with her little sister. They said hi to me then continued to walk past me and into the house. I shrugged and began shooting the breeze with the Mom. By now the little brother wanted a piece of this action, he unbuckled himself and scampered off into the house.
Two six-year olds, a four-year old and a toddler were now inside our house with the Mom and me in the driveway.
I sat down on the passenger seat, Reg on my lap. We continued chatting. As we were chatting, I looked over my shoulder at the infested house and brought up a thought…
“I think I’ve been driven out of my own Home.”
“That happens.” she replied.
“Is it possible that the two of us are hiding from our children right now?”
“It’s really nice and quiet in my van. Isn’t it?”
Another couple minutes of blissful silence pass…
“Damn. I guess it’s time to feed them or supervise them or something. Thanks for dropping off Lyd!”
“No problem! Any time!”
“All righty!” I forced myself out of the van and back into the house, “My kids: stay put for lunch! Not-my-kids: time to get back in the van. Your Mom’s ready to go!”

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