The San Bernardino Shooting

The San Bernardino Shooting

This morning I’m braiding Lyd’s hair, the news was on, an update on the San Bernardino Shooting came up.
“Daddy? Did someone shoot a bunch of people?”
“Yes. Sweetie, someone did a terrible thing, the most terrible thing you can do actually.”
“I honestly do not know.” (taking a cue from a Mr. Rogers quote I once read) “But watch, see that lady being helped? There are always people helping. I want you to remember that and look for that whenever something terrible is on the news. There’s always more good than bad. There are always more good people than bad people.”
“Like us!”
“Yes Hun, we are good people.”
“Actually Regina is sometimes both.”
(smiling) “Hair’s done! You’re a beautiful little thing. Turn around, let me give you a hug.”

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