Brushing Up on Ridiculous Plans

Brushing Up on Ridiculous Plans

“All right girls! Your toothbrushes are getting frayed and nasty.” Annie announced as we entered the dental hygiene aisle.

“That’s because Reggie chews on hers.”

“I do not!”

“That’s beside the point. It’s time for new toothbrushes. Pick them out.”

“I want Star Wars” Lyd replied.

“That’s a two-pack. We need a single…aaaand every toothbrush here comes in two-packs.” Annie took a deep breath and turned to Regina, “Reggie? Are you okay with Star Wars?”

“I want My Little Pony.”

“Of course you do. Lyd? Are you okay with My Little Pony?”

“No. That’s for babies.”

“I’m NOT a baby Lydia!”

“Wait! You know what?” Annie gritted her teeth. “Let’s just get both two-packs. You two can start by using the Star Wars toothbrushes, when they wear out, you can both use the My Little Pony toothbrushes. Can that work?”

“Why can’t we just use the toothbrushes we want?”

“Because we’ll put them into the room of requirement, forget we put them there, and we’ll find them the week before you leave for college.”

“What’s the room of requirement?”

“The upstairs closet.”

“Why do you call it the…”

“It’s a Harry Potter reference. You’ll see the movie when you get a little older. Anyway, can that work? Both of you using Star Wars then both of you using My Little Pony?”

Both of them in unison (sullenly) “Yeah.”


“I want the Darth Vader one.”

“I want Yoda. It’s green.”

“You two just had an agreement! If this happens again, it will be a streak!”

I pulled Annie aside, but aren’t we putting the My Little Pony toothbrushes into the room of requirement?”

“Never you mind the details McGrath.”

Later that night, “All right girls! It’s time for bed. Go upstairs and brush your teeth!” There was no reply. Annie sharpened her tone, “IT is bedtime…NOW!” I was just starting to warm up my scary Thunderdad voice when they got up and began meandering upstairs. Annie finished it off with her singsong voice, “You can use your new toothbrushes!” They went running. I stood up, Annie leaned forward resting her head against my chest, “I Love our girls, but I’m done with them for the day. Let’s get them up to bed.”

We went upstairs to hear Regina’s big toothbrush plan, “I know! I will use the Star Wars, then My Little Pony, then Star Wars Again! It can be a pattern!”

I killed that idea, “No. First, we don’t have enough toothbrushes holders to maintain this convoluted plan. Second, you will not be able to keep track of which one to use on which night…we will certainly not be keeping track of which one on which night. We have a hard enough time keeping track of our toothbrushes already! I don’t want to add yet another layer of complication to our lives.”

Annie rolled her eyes. “Brooks, she’s not suggesting she alternate toothbrushes every night! She’s talking about going back to Star Wars after the My Little Pony toothbrushes are used up. Aren’t you Hun?” She gave Reg a hug after helping her into her PJs. Regina and I exchanged looks, she averted her gaze. I growled internally.

The next night. We sent the girls upstairs. Annie leaned forward and rested her head on my chest, “there there.” I said, patting her back. “Head upstairs and expedite, I need to throw a few things into the dishwasher. I’ll be up there in a couple minutes.” Within seconds of Annie heading up, I heard a scream. I sighed heavily and put the last dish into the washer. Halfway up the stairs, I saw Regina throwing a tantrum with Annie talking her down.

“But I wanted to use the My Little Pony toothbrush!”

“No sweetie! You need to use the Star Wars toothbrush until it wears out. Then you can use the My Little Pony toothbrush. You can’t alternate toothbrushes from one night to the next.”

“YES!” Annie heard behind her. She turned to see me fist-pumping and performing a victory dance.

“You were right.” She muttered at me. “You were right.”

My celebration abruptly stopped. “I’m sorry, you kind of mumbled there, what was that again?”

“You. Were. Right. Happy?” I smiled back at her.

Ah yes. Rare is the day where I catch one of these moments. I’ve learned an awful lot since I became a parent. One thing I have learned is that if there is more than one way to do something, you can always count on your child to choose the most ridiculous way.


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