Getting Girls Ready For School

Getting Girls Ready For School

Getting girls ready for school.
So, we are not fuddy-duddies, that being said, we try to put our girls in decent clothing when we’re out, you know, something that says, “our house is actually civilized. And no, she did not poop on the bathroom floor forty-five minutes ago. Why do you ask?”
I apparently do not do so well with color matching. This is why I keep my own wardrobe pretty low key. I know the basics, things look good with denim. If your pants are green, don’t wear a green shirt, etc.
This is why Annie chooses the outfits I’m to put the girls in. If you’re like me, make sure she does this before she leaves for work everyday. This includes the barrette or headband. Seriously, that crap’s gotta match as well. If it matters, this is one of things you’re going to get judged on. It’s one of those SAHD things, where we’re sort of expected to get it wrong. It’s okay if you don’t know what you’re doing and it’s okay to ask for a little assistance. But for the Love of God, don’t play the “Duh! Derr! I’m just a Dad! I’m just an inept apedog! Doi Derr! It doesn’t help things!
Start with the barrettes. Take a chunk of her front hair, pull it back, then slide the barrette in to keep it all in place. There, it’s pretty easy, and it looks like you know what you’re doing.
Don’t do ponytails as often as you probably think you ought. Pony-tailing the hair when it’s wet helps a lot.
Hairbands are pretty easy as well.
Do I need to tell you to brush her hair first?
If the wife’s not there to make sure her outfit matches just remember, most anything goes with jeans. In a worst case scenario, look into Garanimals brand clothing, it has a picture matching system. If the shirt label has a Hippo on it, then the pants with the Hippo will match the shirt. Thank You Garanimals!
Try to get her teeth brushed before getting her dressed. Sounds dumb to make mention of it? It’s really easy to get into a roll and get her all dressed up and ready to go out the door before you realize her breath and death do more than rhyme.
Anyway, I never had much experience with girls clothing and accessories before I became a girl owner. There’s a bit of maintenance with them!
I’ll be reporting on braiding later on. “Oh! That’s easy!” Says Annie. Yeah . . .easy for someone who’s been doing it since she was eight, it took practice. So there, the kids look presentable. At least you got that going for you.

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