Prayer, Interrupted: Meditation Meets a Singing Unicorn

Prayer, Interrupted: Meditation Meets a Singing Unicorn

I was in a good mood all morning, Lydia was a charming little thing and got herself ready for school on time. Reggie was a little on the grumpy side but she was getting over it. The school drop-off was a success. The sun was shining and the coffee tasted better than usual.
Reg and I got Home and she settled into doing her own thing. I decided to take this moment of contentment for my morning prayers. This part of my routine has gone beyond only practicing my faith, it has become a meditative exercise as well. Praying the Rosary clears my head and helps me remember to remain calm. Frankly, a few minutes of quiet and calm just makes me feel better equipped to deal with my day.
That calm was just beginning to arrive. The room was quiet, my eyes closed, I was whispering my prayers.
My head was just beginning to clear, when this happened:

I couldn’t keep it together. I let loose with a snorted laugh before composing myself again. But the unicorn wouldn’t stop singing. Reggie was oblivious to what was happening to me. She watched that unicorn with the same unimpressed expression I would wear while grinding coffee beans. Seeing her bored expression combined with that ridiculous toy and ridiculous song was all it took to push me over the top I let loose with another snort-laugh and I broke. Within seconds I was doubled over and wiping tears from my eyes as I struggled and failed to regain control.
Toddlers have incredible timing. I suppose the prayer was answered, that laughter stayed with me all day.

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