Regina’s Head Games Vol I

Regina’s Head Games Vol I

My little girl plays head games.
Lyd’s teacher last year was Mrs. Rashid and Lyd’s Principal was Mrs. Endres-Lovell. This distinction matters here, so again, Teacher = Rashid, Principal = Endres-Lovell. Are we clear? Principal Endres-Lovell is often outside expediting the drop-off line. She’s opening van doors, helping the little ones out before wishing us all a good morning, It’s a pretty handy service she offers.
One morning we’re waiting in the line, Reggie craned her head up and said, “That’s Mrs. Rashid!”
“No sweetie, that is Mrs. Endres-Lovell.”
“No, that’s Mrs. Rashid.”
I sighed, “No, Reg, actually you have this one completely wrong, that is Lyd’s Principal, Mrs. Endres-Lovell.” Reggie would not relent on this, she continued insisting that it was Mrs. Rashid. Lyd and I were on the verge of shouting at her.
Oh! It’s our turn here!
Principal Endres-Lovell opened the door, Reggie spoke, “Good morning Mrs. Endres-Lovell!”
“Well good morning Regina!” She replied as she helped Lyd out, wished us a good day and shut the door. I’m just sitting there, mouth hanging open, staring at the kiddie mirror. Regina was smiling.
When I put the van in gear, Reggie spoke again, “That’s Mrs. Rashid.”

What the hell is your long game Daughter??? Seriously, are you playing me? What’s your goal? Do you want me convinced that I am losing my mind by the time you’re twelve?
Ever Loving!

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