School Is Starting! Volume II

School Is Starting! Volume II

It’s the first day of school! Today’s the day! I can get a routine started again! I can focus on teaching Regina the alphabet and shapes and counting without Lyd interrupting or impatiently scolding Reg when she gets it wrong. I can get ahead of the laundry. We live close enough to the school where we can walk Lyd every day, we’ll be able to get out, get some fresh air. Sun rays are coming through clouds, a cherubic chorus is singing in the background.
(Does Lyd look a little taller?)
Reggie and I can hit the Library every Wednesday. Maybe I can meet my Mom and Sister for a cup of coffee, or Violet’s Mom for a quick bite to eat….
“Lyd! Time to get your teeth brushed, I’ll be up to help in a minute. What’s that? You can do it yourself? Are you sure? Okay.” (she doesn’t need my help anymore…hmm).
“Okay Lyd, how’s your checklist looking? You did that. Good. And yup, that’s done. No, it’s warm out, I don’t think you’ll need a jacket, so you can skip that. Good! Mommy’s outside waiting for you, she wants to take a picture of you for your first day! I know! Right?”
(Yep, she’s taller. She grew over the summer, she’s a little less little.)
“Are we ready to go? Great! Let’s get this walk started. So, when we get to the corner, we’ll take a right. You already know that. Okay. Well anyway, when you cross this street make sure to look both…ways. You know that too. Okay. Well now we’re at the parking lot. Watch out for these cars. They all seem to be in a bit of a hurry…”

(Good God! It’s Fury Road out here! But with Minivans!)

“So when you get through the doors, take a left, and…okay! You know what? I guess I’ll just follow you. Here we are Hun! See? There’s your teacher! I Love you! Come over here, I need to give you a big hug and kiss. I’ll be here when you’re done. Bye!”

…I miss my little girl.

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